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Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Pubg News

 The PUB-G game will return soon, severing ties with the Chinese company

There is good news for Gamming app PUB-G in India. in short time PUB-G will return to India. To return, PUB-G decided to sever ties with Chinese company Tencent.

When the Indian government banned Chinese apps this week, it also included gaming apps collaborating with a Chinese company. Chinese apps including PUB-G, Apus Launcher Pro, AppLock, WeChat Work, Baidu were banned by the Indian government. This also caused huge financial losses to PUB-G.

Currently, there is an atmosphere of tension between India and China on the Ladakh border. The Indian government banned Chinese apps, saying they were a threat to India's integrity, sovereignty and public order.

The PUB-G gaming app was originally launched by the South Korean company Bluehall. But it involved the Chinese company Transent. That is why Chinese apps and Chinese companies were automatically banned and PUB-G Gaming app was also banned. According to PUB-G Corporation, we are aware of this ban and we are considering alternatives.

PUB-G will now be run entirely by Bluehall. All of its responsibilities will also be handled by Bluehall.

Tencent's market value plummeted by $34 billion after the Indian government banned 118 Chinese apps.

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