Corona blackout in Gujarat Corona blackout in Gujarat - Top 9 Business news


Thursday, April 15, 2021

Corona blackout in Gujarat

Today the number of new cases crossed 7000, 73 people died

- The condition of metros like Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara is bad

Coronavirus has caused black fever in the state. Today, the number of newly registered cases of corona in the state has crossed 7000. Day by day the situation is getting worse due to Corona. Hospitals are full, there is no oxygen, no ventilators, no shortage of doctors, no medicine. The state, on the other hand, is breaking Corona's new case record. There are long lines in the cemetery too.

A record-breaking 7410 cases of coronavirus have been reported in the last 24 hours. So even the death toll today has broken records. Corona has killed 73 people in the state. In particular, the condition of the state's highways has become dire. Corona has caused an outcry in Ahmedabad, Surat, Vadodara, Rajkot.

Today, 2526 cases have been registered in Ahmedabad, 1655 in Surat, 653 in Rajkot, and 452 in Vadodara. Speaking of deaths, 24 patients died in Ahmedabad, 24 in Surat, 7 in Rajkot, and 6 in Vadodara due to corona. So far a total of 4995 patients have died in the state.

While 2642 patients have been cured in the last 24 hours in the state, a total of 3 lakh 23 thousand 371 patients have become coronary free to date. Currently, the number of active cases in the state has reached 39,250. While 254 patients have been kept on ventilators as their condition is serious. 38 thousand 996 patients are currently stable.

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