In Brazil, the situation worsened: daily Corona 7 thousand new cases, 90 per cent of hospital beds were filled In Brazil, the situation worsened: daily Corona 7 thousand new cases, 90 per cent of hospital beds were filled - Top 9 Business news


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

In Brazil, the situation worsened: daily Corona 7 thousand new cases, 90 per cent of hospital beds were filled

The Corona virus, which originated in the Chinese city of Wuhan, has spread around the world. The Corona virus, which originated in China, first hit Iran abroad, followed by Italy and then the United States.

There, the Latin American country of Brazil is now emerging as a new hotspot for the epidemic. The situation is getting worse. The number of corona cases is increasing every day as the economy is shrinking.

Sao Paulo, with a population of 1.22 million, has seen an increase in demand for emergency bats due to the Corona case. An emergency situation has arisen in the country. All government hospitals in the country are 90 per cent full. The situation is so dire that seven thousand new cases are coming up every day.

While 2.5 lakh people have been affected so far. So far 16,000 people have lost their lives. Brazil ranks fourth in the world in the number of infected people.

Corona spread the most because of the vegetable seller in Peru
Peru, another Latin American country, is also in a precarious situation. Three thousand new cases are coming up here every day. Corona is most prevalent due to vegetable sellers falling into the super spreader category.

One out of every five sellers in the capital Lima's largest market has been found positive. The Peruvian government has so far not closed the market to save the economy, while such markets are responsible for Corona's growing transition.

The Peruvian government has also failed miserably in sanitizing social gaps. So far 95,000 people in the country have been infected with corona while 2789 people have lost their lives.

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