Will there be another lockdown in the country? Will there be another lockdown in the country? - Top 9 Business news


Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Will there be another lockdown in the country?

 Find out what Union Minister Javadekar replied?

• Central government is monitoring Corona's condition in the country: Javadekar

• The question of lockdown came up again in the minds of people facing various restrictions in many states of the country

Coronavirus is once again on the rise in the country. Coronavirus statistics are breaking records in some states of the country. Due to which various restrictions have been imposed by the state governments. Partial lockdowns have also been imposed in some places. In the midst of all this, a question has arisen in the minds of the people whether the lockdown will be implemented again in the country.

The country has not yet recovered from last year's lockdown, which is once again worse than last year. It is natural that fear and doubt arise in the minds of those who see it. However, the central government has answered this question today.

Will there be a lockdown?

Replying to a question about the lockdown again during a press conference here today, Union Minister Prakash Javadekar said, "We are in constant touch with and monitor the cases of corona cases which are on the rise in the states of the country." "Last year we all saw the use of corona management. If corona is managed well this year too, its spread can be stopped," Javadekar said.

In short, the government has not yet made a decision on the lockdown. The government is monitoring the Coronavirus situation in the country. On the other hand, in the last 24 hours, more than 40,000 new cases of coronavirus have been reported in the country. Maharashtra is at the forefront.

People over the age of 45 will be vaccinated

On the one hand, corona cases are on the rise, and on the other hand, the government is constantly trying to speed up the vaccination campaign. As part of this, the central government has decided today to increase the coverage of corona vaccination from April 1. As part of this, all people over the age of 45 will be vaccinated from April 1. Until now, vaccines have been given to people over the age of 60.

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