Drug Diplomacy: India's Foreign Policy of Getting Prayer Through Medicine Drug Diplomacy: India's Foreign Policy of Getting Prayer Through Medicine - Top 9 Business news


Sunday, April 26, 2020

Drug Diplomacy: India's Foreign Policy of Getting Prayer Through Medicine

In the fight against the Corona, most countries have fallen into their own spree, India has since exported medicine to many countries.

New Delhi:  India will be exporting these drugs to US, Brazil, Spain, Germany, Bahrain, Nepal, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Maldives, Bangladesh, Seychelles, Mauritius, Dominican Republic, Israel, Canada, UK, France, Australia.
While the Modi government is planning to donate these drugs to some countries in SAARC, Africa and Latin America, it will be selling them to countries like the US and a few European countries.

China has a large quantity of Corona Fighting Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) kits and also has the capacity to manufacture them.  But China sent the kit to various countries and many countries complained that the quality of the kit was poor and sent it back. India is also sending back Chinese goods.
India gave hydroxychloroquine to which country?
United States, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahamas, Bolivia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Guyana, Nepal, Maldives, Mauritius, Seychelles, Sri Lanka, Dominican Republic, Madagascar, Myanmar, Zambia, Uganda, Congo, Burkina Faso, Burkina Faso Kazakhstan, Ecuador, Jamaica, Philippines, Russia, Slovenia, South Africa, Tanzania, U.A.E., Uzbekistan, Uruguay, Colombia, United Kingdom.

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